Public Hearings to begin – Commission of Inquiry to examine Project 13 concerns.

Public Hearings will commence today in Brisbane for the Commission of Inquiry to examine Project 13 concerns, following the conclusion of last year’s Commission of Inquiry into Forensic DNA Testing.

The list of witnesses is now on the Inquiry’s website. This is subject to change and will be updated as appropriate.

Hearings will take place at the Brisbane Magistrates Court, Courtroom 40, and will be live streamed via the website from 10am each day of hearings.

The Commission of Inquiry to examine Project 13 concerns was announced by the Palaszczuk Government on 5 October 2023.

Commissioner Bennett intends to deliver her report to the Premier and Minister for Olympics and Minister for Health, Mental Health and Ambulance Services and Minister for Women by 17 November 2023.

This Commission’s complete terms of reference and further information is available on the Commission’s website

For media enquiries, contact


Last reviewed
17 October, 2023
Last updated
29 October, 2023